everybody 😊
I hope
you have enjoyed seeing some pictures of your friends on the blog and what they
have been getting up to at home. Don’t forget to ask your grown-ups to email
some pictures of your learning and activities to nursery@hilltop.doncaster.sch.uk
and I can share these on the blog so your friends can see what you have been
doing too!
I hope
you have your brainboxes ready for this week’s challenges; Mr Bear and Jenie
have worked together as a team to set some fabulous activities for you!
are your phonic challenges for the week (Scroll further down the page to see
some practical Maths activities for this week):
You could also talk to your grown-ups about the
weather and if you are feeling up to a super challenge – name the day that it
was yesterday and the day it will be tomorrow!
Today, your grown
up is going to show you some pictures.
One at a time, see
if you can say what the picture is. Can you hear the initial sound? (You could
use the jolly jingle action to help with this) As a challenge, you could have a
go at writing the initial sound for the object. Repeat this activity for each
of the pictures below:
Challenge: Can you have a go at writing
each sound in the word that you can hear. Try with your grown-ups to segment
the word and break it down into single sounds e.g.
d o g
and then blend it back together = dog
Phonics – log on to phonicsplay.co.uk. Play flashcard speed sounds (phase 2) and practise
saying all of the sounds. How many could you remember? Are you getting faster
at naming each sound?
I hope you are ready for a hunt around your house today! Ask your
grown up to choose between 2 and 4 different sounds like in the picture below.
Ask your grown-up to lay the sounds out into different piles (you can use
baskets if you wish). You will have two minutes to focus on each sound. When the
timer starts, see how many items you can find for each of the initial sounds. Which
sound did you find the most items for?
Challenge: Today your challenge is to have
a go at finding words that rhyme. On phonics play, there is a super game called
‘Cake bake’ where you have to find 3 words which rhyme with the word on the
cake bowl. If you find all of the rhyming words, your cake is put into the oven
to bake! https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/member-only/CakeBake.html
Phonics – Using your log in for Oxford Owl, choose a
new story to read. Look at the front cover and guess what you think might
happen in the story. Can you spot any letter sounds that you know in the title?
you spot the characters in the story, how might they be feeling/why?
you recall the events that happened in the story? Tell your grown-up your
favourite part of the story – you could even draw a picture to show your
favourite part if you want to!
Maths activities for the week:
could choose one of these activities to do each day to make your Maths brainbox
grow big and strong – have fun!
done for completing the tricky challenges for Phonics and Maths this week
Nursery – I hope you have a super fun Friday and I cannot wait until we can
share those fun times together again!
Creative time:
week, your challenge is to have a go at making a musical instrument with the
things you have in your home. I would love for you to have a go at playing your
musical instrument along to your favourite song. Ask your grown-ups to film
your performance to send it to our email address – I cannot wait to see them!
I hope
you are ready for a fun activity for PE today! Our game for today is ‘Magic
Find a
space inside or outside where you have lots of room and ask your grown-up to
name one of the magic beans for you to do. Keep going until your heart is
pumping fast and you are running out of breath! I wonder how many you can do?