Friday, May 1, 2020

Superstar learners ⭐

Happy Friday everybody!

This week I have received some more super photographs of some amazing learning and activities that you and your friends have been up to!

If you would like your learning to be shared on the blog each week, ask your grown-up to email by Thursday so that these can be uploaded each Friday.

Emmie has been verrrrry busy at home over the last two weeks. She has done some fabulous number learning in her garden, as well as painting a wind chime. She has also been preparing tea with her Mummy and has made a FABULOUS shaker to dance with! 

Here is Emmie dancing with her new homemade musical instrument! 🎵

Blu has also been keeping busy whilst being at home. He has been exploring materials with magnets, walked all the way to Conisbrough water tower and has done some baking and painting in his garden!

Sophia has done lots of creative activities this week! From paint blowing at 8am to making an amazing shape butterfly. She also took part in the DT competition which Mrs. Roberts set and created Olaf from Frozen!

Miley has been enjoying the activities on the blog this week. She had so much fun hunting for items around her house and sounding out the words. Miley has also done some wonderful writing in her notepad!

Lilly and Alex have been busy baking again and creating some lovely pictures to send to their family members who they are missing very much!

Ida has been enjoying lots of lovely activities this week. She has been joining in with Cosmic Yoga, walking to Edlington Woods for adventures and has been helping her Mummy to bake and set the table for dinner.

Preston has shown dedication this week by singing and counting along with Big Walrus, all whilst eating his breakfast! Preston has been practising his letter formation too.

George has shown appreciation to the Edlington community this week by making a Thank you card for the postman who has been entertaining families on his morning route by dressing up as different characters. George has also been practising his writing and has enjoyed some lovely walks to Martinwells lake.

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