Sunday, June 7, 2020

Week 12 learning

Hi Nursery,

The grown-ups in Nursery are sending you all a virtual hug as we miss you lots and lots!

We wanted to say a big well done on completing your learning challenges from last week, we were very impressed with how motivated you were; you are making us all super proud! Don’t forget to email any pictures or videos of you completing your learning challenges to the nursery email address – we love to see them!

Email to:

Mr Bear and Jenie Jigsaw also say a BIG well done to you all, they are so impressed with how you are taking on their challenges each week!

Here are your challenges for this week:

You could begin your days by singing the ‘Days of the week’ song

You could also talk to your grown-ups about the weather and if you are feeling up to a super challenge – name the day that it was yesterday and the day it will be tomorrow!

You could also begin each of your phonic sessions with our ‘Jolly Jingles’ song or ‘Phonics Song 2’ on YouTube.

For the Maths sessions this week, Mr Bear and Jenie would like you to watch ‘Numberblocks’ on BBC iPlayer; one episode a day. Start with the first video on the webpage and each day choose the next one in the sequence.


Phonics  Today you will need to get together the glass bottles/jars you have been saving. Ask your grown-up to fill the jars with different amounts of water and label the jars with the letters in this order:

c  s  a  t  e  i  p  o  u  n

 Can you use a spoon to make these words by tapping on the jars?

Tap out the words:







Challenge: Can you work with your grown-up to think of another word that is not on this list? Have a go at tapping out your word. Did the glasses make different sounds when you tapped on them? Which letters made the loudest sound? Which made the quietest sound?

Maths- We are going to continue learning about numbers again this week with some ordering, identifying and counting.

I know that lots of you enjoyed calling the characters by selecting the four numbers needed to call them, so this week Mr Bear and Jenie have planned something similar.

You will need your number cards for this challenge. Can you place your numbers together to reveal a surprise? If you manage to place all of your number cards in the correct order, ask your grown-up to send a picture and to inform Miss Woods who your favourite character was from the list.

Batman – 9516

Elsa – 7348

Spiderman – 0931

Anna – 9720

Chase – 1473

Cinderella – 5834

Marshall – 2560

Moana - 8146


Challenge: Choose your favourite character’s number and see if you can have a go at forming the numbers onto a piece of paper. Keep it safe in case you need to call them!


Phonics – Today, you will need the plastic bottle tops that you were collecting. Ask your grown-ups to write these words onto paper – using one piece of paper for each sound.

-    bed

-    sun

-    dog

-    run

Use one bottle top to trace over the sounds. I have used words which include some of the sounds which we find tricky to form like b/d, u/n and also s. (Keep the pieces of paper with the sounds on for tomorrow’s phonics challenge)

*Remember to use the rhymes that we say in school to help us form our sounds – see picture below for rhymes*

Challenge: Choose one of the words from above and have a go at independently forming the sounds on a clean piece of paper.

Maths- Using your other bottle tops, ask your grown-ups to write numbers on them from 0-10. When they have done this, tell them to hide the bottle tops around your house (or outside if the weather is nice) and your challenge is to hunt to find them. When you have found them, can you match them to the number cards you have in your home learning packs?

Challenge: If you would like to make the challenge trickier, you could have a go at ordering them from 10-0. Can you count backwards from 10 and blast off?


Phonics – Using your paper with the sounds on from yesterday, lay them out in front of you and ask your grown-up to sit behind you. They are going to use their finger to write the sound on your back. Can you guess which sound they have formed on your back? Can you select it from the sounds in front of you?

Challenge:  Use your magic finger like we do in school to trace over the sounds like you did with the bottle top yesterday. Remember to use our special rhymes that we say in school to form the sounds.

Today we are going to use our hands to help us form our numbers. Some numbers are tricky to form like some of our letters and Miss Woods has found a super tip which she thinks will help you with your number formation. Have a look at the pictures below and have a go at forming your numbers 0-10. 
(If you use your left-hand to write with, you will need to place your right hand on the paper with your palm facing upwards)

Challenge: Can you find the number that is one more than 4? Can you find the number that is one less than 7?


Phonics –  Ask your grown-up to write your name using large letters like in the picture below. Can you collect items which you could stick on to the letter sounds in your name to make a beautiful collage like the one below? You could use any materials you have or can find to make your name collage.

Challenge: Can you name each of the letter sounds in your name? Do you know any of the letter sounds from your surname?

Maths- To finish off our maths learning, ask your grown-up to cut up some cardboard packaging into a jigsaw for you to complete. Have a look at the picture below for some inspiration.


Challenge: How many pieces did you use to complete your jigsaw? What picture did the jigsaw make when you put it back together?

Fun Fridays:

Well done for completing the tricky challenges for Phonics and Maths this week Nursery – I hope you have a super fun Friday and I cannot wait until we can share those fun times together again!

Creative time:

For your creative activity this week I am going to leave it down to you! I know that you are so creative and have wonderful imaginations so I thought it would be nice for you to get creative in any way that you like. Some ideas could be:

-    to draw/make a picture of something you really love

-    to make up a song or a dance

-    to create a model of something using resources you have at home

-    to bake

I can’t wait to see your wonderful creations!

PE time:

You could choose your favourite Go Noodle song to dance along to – Banana, Banana Meatballs is a firm favourite at school!

Or you could choose your favourite physical thing to do, such as running, jumping, taking a walk. After you have done some exercise, can you talk to your grown-up about what happens to your heart when you move around fast?

-    Why might you get out of breath?

-    Does your heart beat fast when you are running?

-    Does your heart beat slow when you are running?

-    Is it good to exercise?

-    Why do we need to exercise?

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