Hello Nursery, we hope you are well and are having lots of fun at home, even though the sun seems to be hiding this week!
We wanted to say a big well done on completing your learning challenges from last week, we were very impressed with how resilient and motivated you were; you are making us all super proud! Don’t forget to email any pictures or videos of you completing your learning challenges to the nursery email address – we love to see them!
Email to:
Mr Bear and Jenie Jigsaw also say a BIG well done to you all, they are so impressed with how you are taking on their challenges each week! Are you ready for your new learning challenges?
Here are your challenges for this week:
You could begin your days by singing the ‘Days of the week’ song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQcnZ2JWsY
You could also talk to your grown-ups about the weather and if you are feeling up to a super challenge – name the day that it was yesterday and the day it will be tomorrow!
You could also begin each of your phonic sessions with our ‘Jolly Jingles’ song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euxN7LGOoLc or ‘Phonics Song 2’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BELlZKpi1Zs on YouTube.
For the Maths sessions this week, Mr Bear and Jenie would like you to watch ‘Numberblocks’ on BBC iPlayer; one episode a day. Start with the first video on the webpage and each day choose the next one in the sequence.

Phonics Challenges
Monday - Today we are going to play a game! It's going to test your memory skills! Can you go on a hunt around your house to find these objects;
pen hat cup pin sock peg
Once you have collected these can you place them onto the table! Cover these up with a towel. Grown ups you could make this trickier by segmenting the sounds in the words and asking your child to blend them together eg. p-e-n.
Grown ups cover up the objects with a towel and remove one object. Ask your child to tell you which object is missing! If this is too easy remove 2 or 3 objects at once!
Challenge: Can you child hear any sounds in these words? Can they hear the first sound or the final sound?
Tuesday - Ask the children if they can remember the objects we used for the memory game yesterday. Ask your child to go and find these as we will need them for today's challenge! You will also need your phoneme cards to match each of the initial sounds in the words. If you do not have phoneme cards you can create your own using paper! Ask your child to choose an object, can they name this? Can they hear the initial sound and find the phoneme card to match? If this is too easy challenge your child to form the sound!
Tricky Challenge: Can your child hear all of the sounds in the word? Can they find these using the phoneme cards?
Wednesday - Using the same objects as yesterday, Grown ups can you write the words to match the object and cut these out. Ask your child to choose an object, can they tell you the initial sound at the beginning of the word? Once they have identified the initial sound can they use their phonic knowledge to find the word that matches? Can they identify any other phonemes in the words?
Thursday - Today we are going to go outside and go on a listening walk! Can you listen carefully to the sounds in your outdoor area, what can you hear? Can you hear any birds tweeting? Can you hear any cars or motorbikes? What other sounds can you hear?
Understanding the World
Alongside our phonics focus this week we are going to explore plants and growing!
This week we are going to look at a focused text! We are going to look at one of my favourite stories Jasper's Beanstalk! Find a comfy space at home and snuggle down ready to listen/read this story! Click on the link below!

Today we are going to explore reading the story Jasper's Beanstalk. Before you begin the story, have a look at the front cover and discuss these questions with your grown ups.

Today we are going on a nature walk! We are going to collect lots of natural resources! You could walk to the local woods if you have one nearby to see what you can find! Whilst there you could discuss with your grown up's the changes you can see and the things which are different! Are the leaves nice and green or are they brown like in Autumn? You could attach sticky tape to a sheet of paper to stick your treasures onto! Just like below. Once you are home you could research the different tress you passed and the different leaves you found! Keep your treasures safe as you will need these for tomorrow's learning!

Today we are going to use all of the wonderful treasures you found yesterday! Using the natural resources today we are going to create our own picture! The picture you choose to create is up to you! You could use the resources to make a tree or a house! Take a look at some ideas below to help spark your creativity!
Don't forget to send us your designs as we really do love to see your super learning pictures!

Fun Friday
This week the Key worker children in school have been making dot pictures! They researched 'the dot' on the internet and have made their own pictures using the dot!
I can't wait to see what wonderful pictures you create! Don't forget to send us your pictures! Take a look below at the super learning some of your friends have completed too!
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